Hank's official website!

Hank also known as BEan

8/28/23 note:

I haven't updated this in a LONG time, so a lot of this is really cringey and does not represent the current me. I don't plan on using this much, but I would like to add one thing

My Game


Other videos on my youtube channel

Garry's Mod



Things I made with my friends

Saturday Morning Stamping

My Modded version of Friday Night Funkin. Most of this is not final as i am still working on this. i will have a download when im done with the mod!


Hot Dogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades

My fish collection!

on steam, i play team fortress 2. and one of the weapons is a fish. you can see it in the animation "fish slap". i have a collection of fish with war paints on them! Send me a gift trade if you want to give me another fish to add to my collection if you know how. I will even list who gave it to me! well here they are:

Holy Mackerel

Cardboard boxed holy mackerel (factory new)

Gifting Mann's Wrapping Paper Holy Mackerel (minimal wear)

Peppermint Swirl Holy Mackerel (factory new)

Nutcracker Mk.II Holy Mackerel (well-worn)

The Stamp Section

Hi Im Stamp! I like moats and things that rhyme with moat! My catchphrase is: "a moat, a boat, that dosent float!"

Stamp was originally a parody drawing of Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls. when I first drew him I could not stop laughing! He was too funny! He has been in many of my animations using Mine-Imator, he is on my sign in tf2, and he is my steam profile picture! I am currently trying to be able to put him in SFM.

The Sign of Stamp

What I do in TF2

In Team Fortress 2 my most played class is Scout. I just go around melee killing everyone with the sign of Stamp.


This photo is outdated, as now instead of the mercenary badge, I wear a photo badge that says BEan on it.

the 8 section

This is where i put all of my eightified pictures

ImageImageImagereal 8 clock
Secret button

The Button Section

DO NOT press
DO press(unless you are prone to seizures)
Cool Button
My sisters website
My Favorite Character
My Proudest Moment
The best Physics Engine
Wishlist Karlson on Steam NOWSo it can be the number one wishlisted game on steam

Special buttons