8/28/23 note:
I haven't updated this in a LONG time, so a lot of this is really cringey and does not represent the current me. I don't plan on using this much, but I would like to add one thing
My Game
Other videos on my youtube channel
Garry's Mod
Things I made with my friends
Saturday Morning Stamping
My Modded version of Friday Night Funkin. Most of this is not final as i am still working on this. i will have a download when im done with the mod!
Hot Dogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades
My fish collection!
on steam, i play team fortress 2. and one of the weapons is a fish. you can see it in the animation "fish slap". i have a collection of fish with war paints on them! Send me a gift trade if you want to give me another fish to add to my collection if you know how. I will even list who gave it to me! well here they are:
Holy Mackerel
Cardboard boxed holy mackerel (factory new)
Gifting Mann's Wrapping Paper Holy Mackerel (minimal wear)
Peppermint Swirl Holy Mackerel (factory new)
Nutcracker Mk.II Holy Mackerel (well-worn)
The Stamp Section
Hi Im Stamp! I like moats and things that rhyme with moat! My catchphrase is: "a moat, a boat, that dosent float!"
Stamp was originally a parody drawing of Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls. when I first drew him I could not stop laughing! He was too funny! He has been in many of my animations using Mine-Imator, he is on my sign in tf2, and he is my steam profile picture! I am currently trying to be able to put him in SFM.
What I do in TF2
In Team Fortress 2 my most played class is Scout. I just go around melee killing everyone with the sign of Stamp.

This photo is outdated, as now instead of the mercenary badge, I wear a photo badge that says BEan on it.
the 8 section
This is where i put all of my eightified pictures